Health and wellbeing
Here is some information about support available relating to Health and Wellbeing
Cost of living help
Cost of living help
Public Health Wales
Health Visiting Central Mailboxes
Arfon (Ardal Bethesda, Caernarfon Area) 03000851638 -
Bryn Beryl (Ardal Dwyfor Area) 03000 843141/142 -
Blaenau Ffestiniog (Ardal Meirionnydd Area) 03000853489 -
School Nursing Hubs
Bodfan Bach (Arfon) 03000 85163 -
Dwyfor Meirionnydd 03000 853388 -
Looked After Children’s Nurses
Bodfan Bach (Gwynedd) 07824432063 –
Immunisation Teams
Arfon - 03000851610 -
Meirionnydd - 03000853471 -
Dwyfor - 03000843147 -
Specialist School Nurse (ALN/ additional health needs)
West - 03000852493 -
Adult Mental health
Mental health problems can affect any one of us at any time. Cyngor Gwynedd's Mental Health teams, led by social workers, offer a range support and social services for individuals over 18 years old with their mental health needs, and their carers.
Mental health (
Mental Health Services for Children and Young People
Useful links:
3rd Sector Support Organisations
Because of the crisis many of the organizations offering help have had to adjust the way they work.
This booklet sets out the main support services available from 3rd sector organizations during the pandemic. These include mental health services, older people, young people, carers and universal services.
3rd Sector Services Directory
Community Safety
Community Safety