Flying Start

Perhaps you live in a village that receives a Family Support Service through Flying Start. Flying Start offer more support and opportunities for families with children under 4 years old living in specific communities in Gwynedd.

The Flying Start scheme provides parents with support while raising young children. 

  • Health visitors
    Our health visitors have the benefit of more time to spend with families and supporting them in raising their children. The extended health team offers parenting courses, a variety of groups such as Baby Massaging and health promoting sessions. 
  • Speech, language and communication
    Our team of Play and Early Development officers offer 1:1 sessions at home or at one of the Flying Start locations.
    The officers work closely with other members by offering group sessions on supporting early development and play skills.  
  • Parenting support
    A specialist team can offer supportive packages on parenting, at home 1:1 sessions and advice on problem solving within the home. Group sessions are also offered to parents such as Nurture Links and Y Blynyddoedd Rhyfeddol.
  • Child care:

    We offer up to 12.5 hours of free childcare for 2 – 3 year old children during the 3 school terms. Children can start the term following their 2nd birthday. 

  • And more...

    Flying Start host courses, offer child care and the oppertunity to play and socialise.

    Flying Start also works closely with projects such as Families First, offering families in Gwynedd different oppertunities and experiences. 

A child will be able to attend the childcare the term after they turn 2 years old. 

Flying start start date
 If the child turns 2 years old between:The child can start in 2 year old childcare from: 
 1 September to 31 December  Start after Christmas break
 1 January to 31 March  Start after Easter break
 1 April to 31 August   Start after Summer break

Below are the childcare locations available: 

Gofal plant
 Bangor Cylch Meithrinfa

Caban Cegin

 Caernarfon Cylch Meithrin 
Cylch Seiont 
a Peblig 
Cylch Meithrin Lle-Chi Meithrinfa O Law i Law    
 Bethesda  Cylch Meithrin Cefnfaes Meithrinfa 
 Caban Ogwen  
 Dyffryn Nantlle Cylch Meithrin Talysarn  Cylch Meithrin Carmel Cylch Meithrin Llanllyfni Cylch Meithrin Penygroes
 Dolgellau Cylch Meithrin Dolgellau 
Deiniolen Cylch Meithrin Deiniolen
Tregarth Cylch Meithrin Tregarth

See more information: Flying Start Childcare



Where is Flying Start available?

This scheme targets specific wards within Gwynedd only. Whether or not you're entitled to the scheme depends on your post code. Use this search tool to check if you are eligible or not: 


More information

Your Health Visitor will contact Family First on your behalf.

Or you can contact the Central Team on:
01286 678 824 /


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