Consultation on Supplementary Planning Guidance

The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales World Heritage Site

Gwynedd Local Planning Authority and Snowdonia National Park Authority wish to receive your opinion on the Supplementary Planning Guidance - The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales World Heritage Site

See The Slate Landscape of Northwest Wales World Heritage Site


Give your opinion

Complete the response form below to comment on the content of the document:

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Or send your comments by email or letter using the contact details above.

The public consultation is open for a period of 6 weeks. You must submit your comments by 4pm Wednesday 9 February, 2022.


What is the purpose of the consultation?

Following the successful inscription of the Slate Landscapes of North West Wales as a World Heritage Site. Gwynedd Council and Snowdonia National Park Authority have jointly prepared a Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) document which provides advice and additional information about specific policies in the Local Development Plans. This Guidance should, therefore, provide greater certainty for applicants, and help them to prepare suitable planning applications for submission to the Planning Authority.