Performance Measuring

Every year, as a Council we publish an Annual Performance Report in order to explain, in a clear and balanced way, what we have achieved over the previous year.

The Cyngor Gwynedd Annual Performance Report and Self Assessment 2022/23 weighs up how we have responded to the priorities that had been published in the Cyngor Gwynedd Council Plan 2018-2023: 2022/23 Revision (Council Plan).

Since the Council Plan clearly outlines our Improvement Priorities, namely the main areas or projects we need to concentrate on in order to make the biggest difference to the lives of the people of Gwynedd, Part 1 of the Report describes our work in these areas.

We have also measured how our Improvement Priorities contribute towards realising Cyngor Gwynedd’s Well-being Objectives and the Welsh Government’s National Well-being Goals. This information can be found in the Introduction and in Part 1.

The second part of the Report illustrates the Council’s day-to-day work, and explains how those services assist the people of Gwynedd.

We continually measure our performance throughout the year and Cabinet Members present reports to Cabinet meetings twice a year (in addition to the Annual Report) to outline the progress. Members of the Council’s Scrutiny Committees are also part of this continuous process of challenging performance. The Annual Performance Report brings these progress reports together and weighs up the success over the year.

The Local Government and Elections (Wales) Act 2021 requires the Council to continually review the extent to which it meets the performance requirements and our Self-Assessment for 2022/23 can be found in Part 3 of the Report. 


Further information

Further information about some elements of Cyngor Gwynedd’s performance can be seen on the following national websites:

If you require the Annual Performance Report in another language or format, please phone 01766 771000 or e-mail

 If you require more information about this Report, please contact the Council Business Support Team by telephoning 01766 771000 or e-mail:


Previous Performance Reports

The Gwynedd Council Performance Report 2016-17 Gwynedd Council Performance Report 2016-17 reports on our performance against the priorities in the Strategic Plan 2013-17 Gwynedd Council Strategic Plan 2013-17.